List of Polices
It is our policy at Pencil Pots Day Nursery to encourage and promote
good health and hygiene for all the children in our care.
This specifically includes monitoring the children for signs and symptoms of communicable diseases such as chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, impetigo, diarrhoea, vomiting and fevers of 101◦F/38◦C or over. The normal and safe body temperature is 37◦C.
With the welfare of the sick child in mind and in the interests of the remaining children, if in the opinion of the staff a child is ill, then the parent/carer will be contacted and requested to collect him/her as soon as possible or within the hour.
It is the policy of Pencil Pots Day Nursery that any child who has contracted any communicable disease must have been clear of that disease for a minimum of 48 hours prior to the child being considered for re-admission to the nursery; in the case of diarrhoea the child must have had normal stools for that 48 hour period. If your child has loose stools whilst at nursery, you will be required after the third loose stool to collect your child within one hour and keep them away from nursery for a minimum of 24 hours, or as mentioned above, until your child has had normal stools for a minimum of 48 hours.
Please see individual policies on specific infections.
The staff must be convinced that the child has returned to good health before re-admitting them and may at their entire discretion refuse re-admission until clearance has been obtained from a medical practitioner, i.e. via a doctor's note. In the case of a serious accident or illness occurring then the parent/carer will be contacted immediately along with the medical professional and the appropriate action taken. In the unlikely event of the parent not being available the senior staff member will assume charge and if necessary take the child to hospital along with all relevant details. On ALL occasions when a child or adult attends a hospital accident and emergency department direct from the nursery, then the Environmental Health Department of the Council will be informed. The nursery MUST meet RIDDOR requirements.
This specifically includes monitoring the children for signs and symptoms of communicable diseases such as chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, impetigo, diarrhoea, vomiting and fevers of 101◦F/38◦C or over. The normal and safe body temperature is 37◦C.
With the welfare of the sick child in mind and in the interests of the remaining children, if in the opinion of the staff a child is ill, then the parent/carer will be contacted and requested to collect him/her as soon as possible or within the hour.
It is the policy of Pencil Pots Day Nursery that any child who has contracted any communicable disease must have been clear of that disease for a minimum of 48 hours prior to the child being considered for re-admission to the nursery; in the case of diarrhoea the child must have had normal stools for that 48 hour period. If your child has loose stools whilst at nursery, you will be required after the third loose stool to collect your child within one hour and keep them away from nursery for a minimum of 24 hours, or as mentioned above, until your child has had normal stools for a minimum of 48 hours.
Please see individual policies on specific infections.
The staff must be convinced that the child has returned to good health before re-admitting them and may at their entire discretion refuse re-admission until clearance has been obtained from a medical practitioner, i.e. via a doctor's note. In the case of a serious accident or illness occurring then the parent/carer will be contacted immediately along with the medical professional and the appropriate action taken. In the unlikely event of the parent not being available the senior staff member will assume charge and if necessary take the child to hospital along with all relevant details. On ALL occasions when a child or adult attends a hospital accident and emergency department direct from the nursery, then the Environmental Health Department of the Council will be informed. The nursery MUST meet RIDDOR requirements.